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Probate Lawyers Perth
EJ Wall & Associates can help you with all legal matters surrounding wills, estates, probate and deceased estate administration in Perth, Western Australia. Please contact us for more information.
Administration of Deceased Estates
"The death of a loved one is a tragic and deeply personal time but if that person has died without a Will, it can also be a very confusing experience."
What is Probate?
What are Letters of Administration?
What are Letters of Administration with the Will annexed?
What is Probate?
Probate is a grant from the Supreme Court of Western Australia confirming the validity of the Will and the Executors authority to deal with the assets of the deceased.
If you are in Executor and are not sure how to make an application for a Grant of Probate to the Court, or need some legal assistance as to how the law in Perth, Western Australia is applied to your situation, please telephone our Principal and Family Lawyer Ed Wall for no obligation, free telephone advice.
What are Letters of Administration?
Letters of Administration is a grant from the Supreme Court of Western Australia appointing an “Administrator” to administer a deceased estate when the deceased died without a Will.
One or more of the persons entitled to the deceased’s estate under the table to the Administration Act are entitled to apply to be appointed “Administrators”. One or more persons may apply, to be administrators, if they have the written consent to do so by the other persons also entitled to the estate.
If you intend to be Administrator of the deceased estate and are not sure, how to make the application for a Grant of Letters of Administration, or need some legal assistance in doing so, please telephone our Principal and Family Lawyer Ed Wall for no obligation, free telephone advice.
What are Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed?
If in Executor appointed under a Will is no longer alive, or is for some other reason unable or unwilling to act, then a beneficiary of the estate under the Will (usually a major beneficiary) can apply to the Supreme Court of Western Australia, with the written consent of the other beneficiaries, to be the administrator of the estate.
Please note that such applications can only be made if there is a valid Will and the executor is no longer alive or is unable or unwilling to act.
If you intend to make an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration with the Will annexed and not sure how to do so, or need some legal assistance in doing so, please telephone our Principal and Family Lawyer Ed Wall for no obligation, free telephone advice.
For further information on probates and deceased estates in Perth contact our Principal and Family Lawyer, Ed Wall for no obligation, free telephone advice on +61 412 891 034
Home Visit Service
For enquiries please contact us by clicking on the booking form below.

It's now easier than ever to get professional, high-quality legal advice in a comfortable setting with our Home Visit Wills, Estates & Family Law service.
Our home visit service is free of charge for those located in the Northern Suburbs of Perth, WA (there is a small call out fee for those south of the river). Learn more