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Powers of Attorney
If you are over the age of 50 years, or anticipate possible mental incapacity in the foreseeable future, it is wise to consider making an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Enduring Powers of Attorney
Home Visit Service
For enquiries please contact us by clicking on the booking form below.
"If you anticipate possible mental incapacity in the future, it's highly recommended that you have an Enduring Power of Attorney."
What are Enduring Powers of Attorney?
An Enduring Power of Attorney (“EPA”) is a legal document whereby you (the donor) appoint someone (the donee) to make decisions and sign documents about your assets and financial affairs on your behalf, when you have lost the capacity to do so yourself.
If you are over the age of 50 years, or anticipate possible mental incapacity in the foreseeable future, it is wise to consider making an Enduring Power of Attorney. They are very valuable, powerful documents and can save a lot of heartache and inconvenience. They can be prepared at discounted rates if you also give us instructions to prepare your Will at the same time.
An Enduring Power of Attorney ceases to be valid upon your death. It can only operate during your lifetime. It may be too late to make an Enduring Power of Attorney if you have already lost significant mental capacity.
For further information on whether it would be wise to have an Enduring Power of Attorney, please contact our Principal and Family Lawyer, Ed Wall for no obligation, free telephone advice on +61 412 891 034
It's now easier than ever to get professional, high-quality legal advice in a comfortable setting with our Home Visit Wills, Estates & Family Law service.
Our home visit service is free of charge for those located in the Northern Suburbs of Perth, WA (there is a small call out fee for those south of the river). Learn more